Here for medical professionals and patients

Prioritizing Preventive Care
By using medical imaging to screen the asymptomatic population, we can prevent super-spreader events, uncontrolled outbreaks and proactively face future pandemics.

This proactive screening will generate innumerable scans with a low probability of finding positive indications: about 5%. No nation has enough radiologists to evaluate the large number of scans to be read in the future.

Leveraging AI Technology
AlgoMedica has developed a solution for the dilemma at the crux of this new world. Acquisition of CT scans must be done at a low dose for asymptomatic, healthy individuals. But low dose scans are noisy and unsuitable for algorithmic diagnoses. PixelShine, AlgoMedica's deep-learning technology, reduces noise from low-dose scans.

By using AI-based algorithms, diagnostic departments can quickly assess high volumes of scans from asymptomatic individuals. A trained radiologist will verify those patients diagnosed with positive symptoms.

PixelShine is essential software for the ubiquitous use of AI in proactive screening of healthy populations.