销售价格: N/A
商品编号: AS-DIC-238-0631
软件语言: 英文
器械分类: II
生产厂家: ROESYS MedTec GmbH
公司网址: https://roesys.de/
认证信息: CE
系统要求: Windows
交付方式: 下载安装
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What does »X Vision« mean?

In the early days of radiology, imaging was based on a film-screen system combined with the appropriate film development. Today, this task is performed by a combination of DR detector and software. Roesys has an optimally matched combination of these components in its portfolio and offer this package under the brand "X Vision". It is a combination of the inhouse »DXRS« software with carefully selected detectors.

What is it good for?

Modern DR detectors have an enormous dynamic range. This makes it almost impossible to create a "wrongly exposed" image. The task of the software is now to find the relevant information from a large amount of data and to display it optimally in terms of brightness, contrast and noise. Only an optimally displayed image shows the radiologist the the relevant findings and details.

How does it differ from others?

Roesys has many years of experience in the development and application of digital detectors. The first CCD cameras were in clinical use from 2010. Since then, Roesys has continuously built up its own knowledge of image processing in the field of imaging diagnostics. For some years now, this wealth of experience has also been applied to the use of modern flat-panel detectors (DR). With our "X Vision" solution the user can benefit from this knowledge.

What benefits does it offer?

The image results that can be achieved with "X Vision" are among the best available on the market today. Many of our customers can report this positive experience. The image quality that can be achieved with "X Vision" not only impresses radiologists or orthopaedic surgeons, but also the referring doctors. With such an excellent business card as an X-ray "Made by Roesys" you don't need to advertise any more.









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