销售价格: | ¥ N/A |
商品编号: | AS-MOL-021-0710 |
软件语言: | 英文 |
器械分类: | II |
生产厂家: | Hermes Medical |
公司网址: | www.hermesmedical.com |
认证信息: | FDA |
系统要求: | Windows |
交付方式: | 下载安装 |
With one-click, BRASS™ performs automatic fitting to a reference database, followed by quantification and localization of abnormal regions.
Defects are determined from the statistically-significant differences between the patient scan and the normal database on a voxel-by-voxel basis and using a 3-dimensional volume-of-interest map.
Perfusion SPECT (ECD, HMPAO)
Anatomical CT and MRI
Epilepsy Ictal and Interictal
Z-Scores Reporting
3D Surface Projection
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