销售价格: N/A
商品编号: AS-MOL-322-0949
软件语言: 英文
器械分类: II
生产厂家: macpractice
公司网址: https://www.macpractice.com/
认证信息: CE/FDA
系统要求: Windows/Mac
交付方式: 下载安装
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Fully Integrated

Imaging is fully integrated with MacPractice. You can organize photos and X-rays into stacks, and pass your mouse over the stack to "skim" through the images. You can also create customized layouts, allowing you to compare multiple images side-by-side, or stack related images in groups. Edit, measure, zoom, adjust and annotate your images. Both your changes and the original image are safely stored in MacPractice Imaging.

MacPACS Solutions and MacRIS

MacPACS are advanced, Mac OS-native and iOS solutions for iPad and iPhone that integrate with MacPractice MD and MacRIS to provide complete end-to-end practice management and EMR integrated with medical imaging and PACS storage for use by radiologists, orthopaedic surgeons, cardiologists, and other specialists.

MacPractice's MacRIS is an end-to-end Mac solution for radiology with practice management including eclaims, scheduling and management reports, EMR, work list, PACS and integration with DICOM viewers.

echoes Server

The heart of every Medstrat system is the server. An echoes Server resides in your office, acting as the central storage point of your information. It also manages all the image transfers and handles all image backups.

With the flexibility of the echoes Server, everything you do inside your office can be done outside your office. In a Medstrat PACS system, the echoes Server acts like a central hub that sends images to the echoes Browser on computers in your office over your existing office Ethernet network. Your Medstrat PACS system is accessible through the echoes Browser anywhere – in your home, at the hospital, and even on your iPhone or iPad.

The echoes Server is a completely hands-off, maintenance-free system. All images are backed-up automatically in real-time, and overflow images are automatically offloaded to Depots. Medstrat headquarters is remotely connected to every echoes Server and monitors everything to ensure proper operation and continued reliability. Every echoes Server is configured on proven hardware that is covered by Medstrat’s comprehensive hardware warranty.









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